The Power of Film Series: Kodak Courage, Chapter 3

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In this final 7 minute episode, Sam meets up with some of the greats of the ski film industry old and new and get a fresh perspective on why the great joys inherent in pro ski filming might be worth the risks after all.


Introducing the HandCrank Power of Film Series, our first ever completely independently produced film product. This first installment is presented in three 5-7 minute segments. The title: “Kodak Courage”. The filmmaker, Sam Giffin of Right on Brother films. The scoop: film and photography is a double edged sword for skiers and snowboarders. On one hand, filming pushes riders to do crazy stunts they never would have tried, and on the other, the glory can make their wildest dreams come true. Kodak Courage follows the story of a few brothers struggling with – and reveling in – the lifelong conflict of risk vs. reward in the professional ski and film world.

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Kodak Courage - Chapter 3 Right on, Brother See Details
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We’re going for the emotions. Joy, sorrow, laughter, love - we want it all. And we want to work with people that understand that language. Partners who will challenge us to be better and push us to grow, so when we share it with the world, we've made something that matters.