Ivan & Alyosha

All This Wandering Music Video

Agency: C. Young Creative

Location: Bellingham, WA

Runtime: 3:30

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All this Wandering Around by Ivan & Alyosha.

DualTone Records had a direction they liked, and let us develop, write and execute the story our own way.

Every filmmaker wants to make a music videos because we get to build something around the music, and it demands creativity. Our task was to bring color out of a colorless world. All we needed was a band who liked our work, a good song, a trusting label, and a talented crew to capture all the wandering around and bring some color to the story.

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Official Selection: 2018 Bellingham Music Film Festival

Say Hello ++++

We’re going for the emotions. Joy, sorrow, laughter, love - we want it all. And we want to work with people that understand that language. Partners who will challenge us to be better and push us to grow, so when we share it with the world, we've made something that matters.